
Company address:
Vrades Maschinenbau GmbH
Anton-Grimmer Straße 2
73466 Lauchheim / Germany
Tel. +49-7363/950-0
Fax +49- 7363/950-180

Steffen Liebich

Commercial register: Charlottenburg
registry number: HRB 257559 B

VAT registration no.: in Work
tax Number/finance office: 50495/24811

Oliver Witt

Corporate Design:

Notes according to Teleservice Law:
For Internet pages of third parties to which we refer by hyperlinks, the corresponding suppliers are responsible. The Vrades Maschinenbau GmbH is not responsible for the contents of such pages of third parties. The Websites of the Vrades Maschinenbau GmbH can be linked from other pages without our knowledge. We do not accept any responsibility for the contents on the websites of third parties. We are only liable for foreign, illegal or punishable contents if we have knowledge of these and if it is technically possible and reasonable for the Vrades Maschinenbau GmbH to prevent their use. However, according to the teleservice law the Vrades Maschinenbau GmbH is not obliged to permanently check foreign contents.

Data Protection:
Information which you forward to us by form will exclusively be used by us for contact if requested by you. Under any circumstances, the data will not be forwarded to third parties.

Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Terms of Sales and Supply

Legal notes:
All materials made available on this website are protected by copyright laws. Duplication and use of these materials is subject to prior written approval from Vrades Maschinenbau GmbH. This approval can be revoked at any time, e. g. if contents are used for purposes other than intended or are falsified, if the source is not recognizable, or if copyright or proprietary notices are changed or removed.